How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work for dentists? In this article, you’ll learn how the gas works, including its effects on the nervous system and side effects. You’ll also discover why N2O is much safer than O2. Mechanism of action The mechanisms of action of...
What Is a Zirconia Crown

What Is a Zirconia Crown

What’s So Special About Zirconia Crowns? A zirconia crown is a dental restoration made from a monolithic ceramic. This material is durable, repairable, and blends in with the rest of your natural teeth. This is why it is the top choice for many patients. Learn...
How Children’s Teeth Erupt and Fall Out

How Children’s Teeth Erupt and Fall Out

Children’s Teeth: Erupting and Falling Out During the early years of your child’s life, their primary teeth erupt from their gums into their mouths. These teeth will eventually fall out to make room for their permanent counterparts. The timing of their...
What is a Composite Filling

What is a Composite Filling

What Is a Composite Filling – Tooth-Colored Fillings? Are you thinking about getting a composite filling? If so, you’re not alone. This article will explore the benefits of composite fillings, including their durability and low pain. You’ll also...
Why Dental Cleanings Are Essential

Why Dental Cleanings Are Essential

Why Dental Cleanings Are Essential – Importance of Dental Cleanings Did you know that dental cleanings can prevent oral cancer? Not only that, they can also prevent tooth decay. Dental cleanings are a key element of your overall health. Not only do they prevent...
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